Sunday, January 22, 2012

If Tom was our Narrator...

Pg. 130-131 (Conversation/Argument between Tom and Gatsby)
I was a little unsure of where this all was going until Gatsby told me everything. “Your wife doesn’t love you. She’s never loved you. She loves me.” That killed me. A man who I have barely even known accusing my wife of loving him. Then Gatsby cried, “She never loved you, do you hear? She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me.”
I knew something was up ever since I saw their eye contact. But at the same time I didn’t believe it. Daisy has never spent time with him until recently and after all he is a “bootlegger”. Daisy has always loved me and if not, she would have left me after finding about my affairs. But I couldn’t help but to wonder what was going on between them. 
I turned to Daisy and asked her, “Whats been going on? I want to hear all about it.” “Both of us loved each other all the time, old sport, and you didn’t know. I used to laugh sometimes.” she said. “But there was no laughter in his eyes. To think that you didn’t know.” 
At this moment, my heart just dropped. I found myself leaning back on my chair ready to explode. I couldn’t believe what I have just heard. The thought of her loving someone like Gatsby killed me. His whole background is shady and I still don’t know when they could have seen each other.
“You’re crazy!” I shouted. I wanted to leave but at the same time wanted to hear more. I was so furious at them for even making up something as extreme as this. I finally said to Gatsby, “Ill be damned if I see how you got within a mile of her unless you brought the groceries to the back door. But all the rest of that’s a God damned lie. Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now.” 
My anger got the best of me because for a split second I didn’t know what to do. The feeling of having someone love someone else hurts. I can’t believe Daisy would do this to me. But I continued to wonder if she truly meant what she said.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The American Dream today

‘Downward mobility’ pushing American Dream out of reach
January 13, 2012
            The article that I read regarding the “American Dream” brought up the question whether or not the American Dream is still alive today. For many it is still achievable but for others it cannot be reached. The article goes on by using interviews and facts to prove which people do not think that the American Dream is still alive today and the factors that make them think that way. 
            A bad economy not only causes some people to loose their money, jobs, and belongings, but it also causes some to loose their outlook at the American Dream. Sam Blick (person interviewed who is unemployed) believes that the idea of the American Dream is still there, but he doesn’t see it happening for himself or some of his family. He doesn’t see himself enjoying any more vacations or luxuries which he believes is part of achieving the American Dream. This is also true for others who are currently unemployed. Although they believe in the American Dream, they do not believe that they can achieve it. 
            “1/3 of babies who are American born into the middle class have fallen out by the time that they become adults.” The article states that people with a college degree, people who have high test scores, and people who are married are more likely to stay in the middle class than those who don’t. They also have a better opportunity at achieving the American Dream. The article also shows that race and gender play a role in staying in the middle class as well.
            This connects to the Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby’s events in his life show how someone could achieve the American Dream if they work towards it. The American Dream is a sense of opportunities and freedom that can be achieved if you work hard enough. Gatsby was raised in the middle class and because of his wealth, was deprived of some things that he loved (Daisy). Throughout his life, he worked towards new opportunities but still does not believe that he has achieved them. Although Gatsby did not fall out of the middle class and even rose up to the upper class, he is still missing something important in his life. Gatsby’s as well as other’s American Dreams are demonstrated throughout the book.