Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Let America Be America Again"

Hughes’ poem “Let America Be America Again” depicts two perspectives: one of the oppressed and one of the free. For Hughes, America has never been this ideal land of opportunity. He speaks from the viewpoint of the oppressed. People have always been faced with discrimination and some still face it today. He describes that despite the injustices that go on, the will and strength of the oppressed remains strong. The oppressed are the poor, the Native Americans, the Africans, and the immigrants; but if it weren’t for their hard work, there would not be this “American Dream” of reaping the benefits of what you sow. Hughes is calling for a land of the free, where there are no people judging others. That everyone benefits from what they do. That everyone is allowed to achieve his or her own dreams. That America is for all the people, no matter what you are. I find the tone to be somewhat angry and irritated by the fact that why can’t people see others for whom they are and not by what they are. Hughes is criticizing the fact that if you are not given the ability or freedom to succeed, then how can you achieve opportunities to have a happy life?

The Great Gatsby depicts the life of rich, wealthy people in the roaring 20’s. The East Egg, those who inherited money “old money” and the West Egg, “new money”, divides them. Both sides looked down on people who were less wealthy, even the people of East Egg looked down on the people of West Egg. Jay Gatsby strives for the life of the “American Dream” because of how he came into money from nothing much. Although he did come into wealth, he did not have happiness, because he did not have friendship or love.

I feel that today, there are many things that divide our nation. Money plays a huge part because there are people who are beyond rich, and there are those who are in dire straits. However, the circumstances are not the same. Some people have lives that did not turn out the way they intended. Of course, there are those that still “step on others” to get to where they are. Of course, we all want the American Dream, but it is no longer just about money.

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