Thursday, September 29, 2011

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

I believe that John Proctor represents the qualities of a hero and a stooge.

John Proctors’ actions in the town of Salem make him both respected and feared. As an intelligent individual and a Christian, Proctor shows the qualities of a hero through his actions. Unlike the other characters in the book, John Proctor does not believe in witchcraft. He has a sensible way of thinking and won’t just believe something because everyone in the town does. He is also willing to give his own life to stick up for what he believes in. He is not afraid to stand up to people and doesn’t care what people think of him. John Proctor demonstrates his heroic traits when he confesses for what he has done. He also stands up for the girls accused of witchcraft.
The only thing that really makes John Proctor a “stooge” is his relationship with Abigail. He is married to Elizabeth and he sins by committing adultery with Abigail. This goes against the ten commandants and puts Elizabeth’s life in jeopardy. I believe he might regret it because he denies any feelings for Abigail to her face and to his wife.
           Even though John Proctor may have messed up in his life, he is human and everyone makes mistakes. I respect John Proctor because he is his own person. He chooses to believe in what he wants to believe and he will die for what he knows is right. I believe that John Proctor has done things that make him a stooge, but his heroic traits overpower them.

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