Friday, December 23, 2011

Music Review

For my music review, I picked an album/artist/genre of music that is relatively new to me. Created in the late 1990’s, dubstep became a genre that has become popular over the years. Dubstep is an electric dance genre that is based on the 2-garage sound. Dubstep uses a combination of drums, bass drops, rewinds, and MCs to make sounds that are used in various songs, rhythms, and instrumentals. There are many artists that create their own dubstep beats/sounds, but one that is well known is Skrillrex.

Skrillrex, or Sonny John Moore began his career in an American band, but later released dubstep tracks/albums. He became famous for his works recently and was nominated for 5 Grammy Awards in 2011. His most famous album is called Scary Monsters and Nice Spirites.

So for my review, I chose to review the album Scary Monsters and Nice Spirites by Skrillrex.

When I hear “dubstep”, I immediately think of Skrillrex. Before listening to some songs on this album, I was not a big fan of dubstep, however after listening to this album, I am hooked. The music makes you want to dance and pumps you up every time you listen to it. This album is perfect for warming up before a sport’s game. Each song on the album is unique in it’s own way and although has some lyrics, are mostly instrumentals. Each song also has a story/meaning behind it, (however I find some very pointless). Although some people do not like this genre of music, the Grammy that this album received for best dance/electronica album of 2011 does it justice.

Some songs on the album: Scary Monsters and Nice Spirites

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Poem

The predicted snow finally came and
seemed to fall endlessly from the sky.
Into the night it continued to fall as I
fell asleep to blowing winds.
When morning came, I was in awe.
The world was completely still and white.
For the first time, I am not awaken by
the sound of cars driving by.
The world is quiet, even though I see
Neighbors, knee-high in snow shoveling.
The neighborhood was blanketed in
a never-ending stretch of white carpet.
The feeling of being overwhelmed,
is soon subsided by excitement.
Neighbors are helping one another.
Shoveling until you feel weak.
I watch from the window,
as my younger brother plays in the snow.
I am overcome with a feeling of
being extremely grateful.
Grateful for being in a warm house.
Grateful for getting to enjoy the snow.
I put on my snow pants and rush out
to enjoy this moment.
A moment that I will not forget.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Where Did You Go JD?

J.D. Salinger was an American author that was born in New York. He began to write at a young age and continued to write throughout parts of his life. He wrote many short stories and books, but the one book he is probably most famous for is The Catcher in the Rye. The Catcher in the Rye was a best selling book that not only won him many awards and sold over 65 million copies worldwide, but it was also one reason why J.D. Salinger went into hiding for a large period of his life.
            J.D. Salinger’s attitude is very similar to the main character in The Catcher in the Rye. Both J.D. and Holden have this sort of isolation from the world that they live in. Both characters also demonstrate their hatred for the “movies” and media. One reason why J.D. moved to his confinement was because of his hatred for attention. He turned down many pictures and interviews as well, because he didn't want anyone invading his privacy. Another reason was simply the fact that he didn't want anyone to gain off of his works. He didn't want anyone profiting off of his stories and refused to publish anymore. But the main reason why he left and stopped publishing was because of the criticism on his book. Although many thought of the book as one of the best, others saw it differently. Critics argue that the book shows the mental breakdowns of a teenager as he goes through his life. The psychological battles that he faces, the depression and loneliness, and the excessive spending are all reasons why some thought negatively towards the book. The book was also banned from some schools and libraries.
            Even though J.D. Salinger stopped publishing and went into hiding, I respect him. His own beliefs caused him to not get too caught in publicity. He took the negative comments on his book to heart, and in return left the world without publishing anymore. He wanted his own privacy. I believe that The Catcher in the Rye is a very interesting book that is well written.
          "I refuse to publish, There's a marvelous peace in not publishing, There's stillness. When you publish, the world thinks you owe something. If you don't publish, they don't know what you're doing. You can keep it for yourself."
                                                         -J.D. Salinger

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holden Caulfield: Protector of the "real" people

Up to chapter 16 in the book, we learn a lot about the main character and narrator Holden Caulfield. Holden is a 16-year-old student who has been kicked out of Pencey Prep for his failing grades. This isn’t the first time that he has been kicked out of school. Although he comes from a wealthy background, Holden is not considered popular in his school or in society.
As Holden describes his thoughts about people and the situations he is in and has been in, we learn more about his character. We learn that Holden has certain respect for people based on their classification to him and judges people based on their appearance and personality. He seems to be constantly be bringing up his idea of being “phony”. Throughout the book we see the quality of Holden protecting people who aren’t phony and judging people who are. It also brings up the question whether Holden could be phony. Holden is modest about himself, sarcastic in certain situations, and judgmental about people he knows or sees. He has his own way for looking at people. Although Holden does seem to have a good heart because he feels sorry for people that are not as privileged as him.
Throughout the book we also learn that Holden continues to lie but isn’t great at doing it. We find out that Holden is very lonely without others there for him and that he does have certain yearnings. Holden is also independent and chooses to do things that he wants to do. Holden tries to get others to believe he is tough, but in reality he isn’t. We learn that Holden has principles but in some situations breaks them. After reading the last few chapters, we learn more about Holden’s emotions. He seems to be really depressed all the time because of his loneliness. Holden does have a weak side and “yellowness” that prevents him from doing things. But mainly, Holden doesn’t know the right direction he wants to take in his life. With little people around him that he considers “real”, Holden is not sure of the path he wants to take with his life. Maybe he is the duck in the lagoon.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Red Hunting Hat

          In The Catcher in the Rye, the main character Holden purchases a red hunting hat for one dollar. For some reason he is extremely attached to the hat and is constantly wearing it. Although we do not know the true significance of the hat yet, we do understand that the hat is worn when hunting deer, so that other hunters do not shoot you by mistake. The hat is a way of standing out. I believe that Holden wears this hat to stand out against the “phonies” in the world. It is Holden’s way of being different and being himself.
          I believe that the idea of the red hunting hat is not something that is really worn. I personally do not have an object like this. I think that the “hunting hat” purpose comes from an individual’s personality or traits. Individual actions truly describe what kind of person they are, and who they really are on the inside. It is also a way to distinguish who is a “phony” and who isn’t. The unique personalities and abilities that certain individuals have make them stand out against others. Although some kind of clothing like a red hunting hat will make you stand out, it is the talents and character inside of you that illustrates who you truly are.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful for a Classmate

            Honestly I am thankful for all my classmates. Each person has their own personality that makes the class unique. There are some people that educate us, some that make us think, and even some that make us laugh. The mix of people in the classroom makes the class better.
            But if I had to choose individuals that contribute to this, it would have to be Kirkland and Sohrob. I am thankful for these two people specifically because they make the class and our discussions, more interesting. Both classmates aren’t afraid to express what is on their mind or knowledge they have about the world. The information that both Kirkland and Sohrob have is important in our class because they continue to share it with us. They extend whatever we are learning by educating us with what they know. Sohrob is a classmate that makes the class better because not only does he know something about most topics, but he is also extremely funny and can make whatever we are talking about more enjoyable.
            I think that everyone in the class make it better in their own ways. Kirkland and Sohrob make our discussions fascinating, but there are also other people who help the class and I learn. I am definitely grateful for everyone in the classroom.

Directions for our class

             I look forward to my American Lit class everyday. I really appreciate the things we do and learn in the classroom. I love reading and writing, especially in our journals, and enjoy our in class discussions. We watch movies and films that connect to our readings and talk/debate about almost anything.
However, I think that we should enhance our writings. Writing in our journal daily and discussing it is a way for us to not only get better at writing, but also a way to tell what is on our mind. Writing about different topics and sharing is a way that we can enhance our writing skills and learn more about our classmates and ourselves. I also think that we should do more activities in smaller groups or in pairs. Working with smaller groups is an easier way to get more information across to our classmates. I think that working in groups help us to learn more about the topic.
Writing our journal entries and working more in small groups are the only things that I think should be enhanced in this class. I don’t think that our class needs much more direction. We learn in an environment where we can express our ideas and learn from others.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Theme in The Road

There are many themes presented throughout The Road. Not only the themes of devastation and isolation that is shown by the world they now live in, but also the theme of going far in the world if they remain the “good guys”. These themes illustrate the society they live in and how they are responding to it. However Cormac McCarthy shows a major theme of the book both in his writings and in some of his interviews. He shows the theme of gratitude, being grateful for what we have. As he states in his interview, “Life is pretty good, even when it looks bad. We should be grateful.” The world we live in is not like the world in the book The Road. We need to be grateful for that. We have access to everything we need to survive and with new technology we have so many more luxuries. This theme is also shown in the book. In a world where they have almost nothing, the man and his boy are grateful for the findings and items that they do have. They are grateful for each other and for their life. McCarthy might be telling us that we need to be grateful for the life and the things we have now. Even though death, survival, and loneliness are major themes in the book, the idea of gratitude shows a major theme both in the book and in the real world. Not many people are grateful for what they have and Cormac McCarthy uses this theme to illustrate the consequences in the future. We have to be thankful for the life we have now and live each day as if it were our last.  

Friday, October 28, 2011

Open Letter to Charles Bukowski

Dear Mr. Charles Bukowski,

I have recently read your poem Dinosauria, We, and found it to be very fascinating. The poem seemed to have shown me a glimpse of the future and it is amazing that you wrote it 40 years ago. I think it is incredible that you could have predicted what might happen in the world we live in. It’s a scary thought that part of what you said has come true. The ones with college degrees are unable to get jobs and the oil spills that have tainted the lives of many. That hospitals and lawyers are too expensive for many and that the government is so far in debt. I fear that the ending may become a reality. The fact that we are in war with one another is tearing our society apart. I fear that what you predict at the end may hold some truth to it. People have talked about the day the world will end, or otherwise known as “the second coming”. Is this just a fear of our own actions? Have we all become selfish and one without a conscience? I feel that maybe your poem has made people more aware of the situation, and perhaps it is not too late. I can only hope that we can all do our part to help save this world.


                                                                                                Devin Murphy

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Father and Son Relationship

          The relationship between a father and his son or daughter is usually strong. Of course there will be some disagreements, but generally the bond between a father and his son is a good one. A boy looks up to his father and sees him as a role model. Both the child and his/her father are constantly learning from each other.  However in the society we live in, we are beginning to see more and more relationships that are not strong at all.
          In The Road, the relationship between father and son is unlike any other. In the post apocalyptic world that McCarthy creates, the survivors (father and son) will do anything for each other. If one of them were to die, the other would die as well. The father in the book is living only for his son. As it says in the story, “I was appointed by God to take care of you.” The boy would also be useless without his father. Both the father and the son are relying on each other throughout the book.
          The father in The Road also wants to give his son the best life he can give him, in the conditions they are in. Even though the life they are living is not a very good one, they are living each day to the fullest and trying to survive. The care that the father gives the son is great because we do not see this often in everyday society. He puts his son first and tries his best to give him the best experiences he can. He wants to make his son’s life as normal as he can and protect him no matter what happens. The father would sacrifice anything for his son.

“One of the strongest things in the world is the father/son bond.”
                                                                   -John Glover

Thursday, September 29, 2011

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

I believe that John Proctor represents the qualities of a hero and a stooge.

John Proctors’ actions in the town of Salem make him both respected and feared. As an intelligent individual and a Christian, Proctor shows the qualities of a hero through his actions. Unlike the other characters in the book, John Proctor does not believe in witchcraft. He has a sensible way of thinking and won’t just believe something because everyone in the town does. He is also willing to give his own life to stick up for what he believes in. He is not afraid to stand up to people and doesn’t care what people think of him. John Proctor demonstrates his heroic traits when he confesses for what he has done. He also stands up for the girls accused of witchcraft.
The only thing that really makes John Proctor a “stooge” is his relationship with Abigail. He is married to Elizabeth and he sins by committing adultery with Abigail. This goes against the ten commandants and puts Elizabeth’s life in jeopardy. I believe he might regret it because he denies any feelings for Abigail to her face and to his wife.
           Even though John Proctor may have messed up in his life, he is human and everyone makes mistakes. I respect John Proctor because he is his own person. He chooses to believe in what he wants to believe and he will die for what he knows is right. I believe that John Proctor has done things that make him a stooge, but his heroic traits overpower them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

The title says it all. God is angry. We are all sinners. This sermon by Edwards really drew vivid images in my mind. If I were a young Puritan, I would have been pretty scared. I would have thought that even the tiniest wrongdoing would have me surrounded in flames. If I took a cookie before dinner, then I too, would be hanging by a thread over a fiery pit.

The God in the Christian faith is not angry. In fact, he is forgiving. People sin sometimes, but if they ask for forgiveness, they can still go to heaven. In fact, the h___ word is never used during a sermon. People should be good by nature, and not because they are scared into being good. What is considered “good” is by following the word of God.

I feel that perhaps the Puritans thought too much about what others were doing. There probably were a lot of sinners. They probably thought that they outweighed those that were good. They were probably in fear for their own lives because of what others were doing. Perhaps if we consider what is going on with the world today, we should all be afraid of what the future holds. Maybe a few people do need to be scared.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Out of District

In all my years of playing hockey, I have not come across this term. Of course I know what “out of district” means, it just never occurred to me that it would be a term used in club level hockey.

Last year, I decided that it was time for a change. I decided that I would check out a scrimmage camp in Northbrook. They had a couple of kids that really stood out. I really enjoyed playing at that level. I got along great with the boys from the team and they said that I should tryout. What I soon found out was that the Northbrook hockey program is a feeder program for the Glenbrook North High School hockey. It makes sense. You live in Northbrook, why wouldn’t you play for your high school? The problem is that when you have two players of equal talent, they have to take the Northbrook player before the “out of district” player.

So against all odds, I tried out. The Northbrook team has two “out of district” players playing for them…one of them is me. My teammates do not treat me any differently because I am “out of district”. Even though they have been playing with one another for years, they treat me as though I am “in district”.

This relates to the topic of “there goes the neighborhood” because it is like moving into a different neighborhood.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hey everyone my name is Devin Murphy and I am a freshman here at Whitney Young. I was fortunate enough to be an "ackie". My elementary school was Decatur Classical. I was born and raised in Chicago.
My family and I live in the Northwest side of Chicago, an area called Norwood Park.

I love to play sports, especially ice hockey and baseball. I have been playing hockey since I was 3 and currently play on a travel team in Northbrook. My team played against two teams from Sweden. Playing hockey is probably one of my favorite things to do.  I have one younger brother who is 10 years old. He also plays travel hockey and is a goalie.

My mother is Japanese and my father is Irish, making me a little bit of both. I also have a dog named Milkshake. My favorite food is probably sushi. I enjoy traveling to different places both on vacation and for hockey. I have traveled all over the U.S. and have been to Hawaii 4 times! This summer I went to Cancun, Mexico.

I also enjoy listening to music, reading, and writing. I am looking forward to this year and getting to know all of you.